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Caregiver Resources

"A new way to do ABA"

Below, you'll find a collection of resources we've carefully curated to support parents. These tools are designed to help you navigate your child's journey with confidence. For our enrolled clients, we also offer free parent training materials to provide additional guidance and empower you with effective strategies to use at home.

Behavioral issues often require more than just therapy hours or caregiver training. Our resources have a focus on services outside the area of ABA that may offer additional benefits.

Learning Differences

Resources for information regarding learning differences such as ADHD,  Nonverbal Learning Disorders, Sensory Processing Disorders.

CHADD: An organization offering resources for caregivers and professionals regarding ADHD.

Additude: A magazine offering free resources for parents.

Smart Kids: A resources for learning differences.


Autism and related disorders.

Autism Navigator: Information about how treatment for autism changes as the individual grows.

Autism Speaks: A resources for everything autism related from screening questions, related disorders, therapies, and more.

My Autism Team: Offers support for day to day activities geared towards parents:

Occupational Activities

Occupational therapy skills.

Tools to Grow: Offers worksheets, activities, and OT curriculum planning. Perfect for families who are unable to see an OT: 

Pediatric OT Tips: Offers examples of activities and DIY therapy tools:

Therapy Fun Zone: Offers activities broken down by skill AND age. 

Your Therapy Sources: Offers OT, PT, and play activities: 

Speech Activities

Speech therapy skills.

Speech Buddy: May be useful for families that are unable to receive speech from a professional:

Speech and Language Kids: Offers activities, games, and worksheets. 

Home Speech Home: Offer resources and guidelines specific to typical speech progression.

Mommy Speech Therapy: Offers activities, progressional steps, and a large database regarding similar areas (such as IEPs, articulation, etc)

Autism Speak: general information 

Pediatric Feeding

A resource that provides caregivers access to feeding centers and professionals. They also provide supplemental activities and information on feeding disorders.

Pursuit of Research

Pursuit of Research is a part of the Cherab Foundation. A 501(C)3 nonprofit for children with neurological or genetic impairments that affect communication. They provide information regarding evidenced based approaches in a variety of areas for children with special needs.

DT Video Resources

Visit our channel to see live lessons, behavior tips, informational videos and more.



Clinical Reminder: DT Clients have access to all DT video model in their Google Classroom.

Not seeing the resource you need? Contact us for more information or referrals.

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