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ABA Tutoring & Shadows

Applying ABA techniques to an academic setting.

ABA has typically been used to increase language and social skills.
ABA techniques can also be applied to educational goals, such as increasing academic skills or managing behaviors in the academic environment. We utilize ABA Tutoring and ABA Shadow services across a variety of platforms so individuals can access the best option that match their personal goals.  


ABA Private Tutoring (Direct)

We offer in person academic tutoring available for children aged 3-12 years old. This service is completed outside of the school setting in a controlled environment that allows the individual to work with support from a therapist. Private tutoring will utilize a behavior technician to assist the client with completing academic tasks assigned in school or with lessons to address academic deficits specific to the individual.  These tasks will be analyzed and changes will be made accordingly to maximize success. 

Online Teacher

ABA Private Tutoring (Virtual)

Going virtual has never been easier. Our tele-option offers the same benefits as our Direct ABA tutoring service, but is completed over a virtual platform that includes interactive tools to keep individuals engaged during screen time. This is ideal for clients who are able to engage in tele-activities with little parent involvement. We offer this service to clients aged 5-12 years old. This service is to be completed outside of schools hours (virtual or on site).


ABA Shadow (Direct)

DT has recognized that students may be academically at the level of their peers, but problem behaviors (such as an inability to stay at the desk, or inability to stay on task) or other deficits in social and language domains prevent them from engaging appropriately in the classroom setting. Direct shadow service provides a consistent behavior technician that addresses the following:​

  • Assisting the client when the teacher is unable to provide the necessary support.

  • Prompting the client to engage in social opportunities.  

The direct ABA Shadow program is designed to be faded out over time, as the teacher is trained on behavioral procedures as well. 

Hey Teachers!

Interested in applying ABA in the classroom setting? Check out these tools :

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