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DT Recent News
Stay up to date about our latest company promotions and changes, get tips on caregiver resources, and see what we're working on next all with our Recent News. Building our connection means building our team. Be sure to share what we do so we can continue to help others.

Spread the love! Check out this month's special offers
All private pay Intakes scheduled during the month of February are 15% off!

Be on the look out for our "Love Vouchers"! Get your hands on them and cash it in for free service! Know someone who could use this? Send us an email and we'll send it to them!
All Worlshop s scheduled during the month of February are 20% off!

Planning ahead? Spring Break is just around the corner. Breaks can be a great opportunity to make up any lost therapy hours, polish off old academic skills, or just spend time with the family.

Spring Break Benefits!

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